The sand was cool beneath my feet as I moved the kayak towards the water. All around me, the early morning wind swirled and swept across the harbor. The sun was creeping up above the pine trees across the shore, slowly rising, inching its way up into the sky. Mosquito harbor was dead silent this morning. No one to be found as the 6 o'clock hour
approached. I carefully positioned the my craft at the waters edge, and pushed my way out onto the water, which stood still as glass on this beautiful June morning.

I dipped my paddles
into the cold ocean, rythimically sweeping back and forth as the kayak began to glide away from the shore. A few seagulls soared above me, as I set my course for the opposite side of the harbor. I headed towards Stevens Island, a tiny
piece of jagged rock that sits in the middle of Mosquito harbor like a tractor sits in the middle of a large field. On the
island, there are two wooden structures, both resembling small cabins. Tall spruce tress surround the
structures, and jagged rocks surround the spruce. On top of one of the trees, a large Osprey nest rests against the branches. Every now and then, the majestic bird will come and go, crying out into the early morning whenever another bird comes close. I pulled up to a sandy spit on the backside of the island. I parked my craft and began to wonder the
small isle, hopping from rock to rock. The wind was rushing past my face, as the
waves began to kick up. The smell of the air was positively sublime. It is truly hard to describe to someone how the ocean smells on a clear summer morning in coastal Maine. You simply have to be there to experience it, no cell phone video or Youtube clip could ever come close. There is something about the light of the sky, the stillness of the water, and the feel of the wind. It is a truly special feeling, one that cannot be replicated in any other form.
As I pulled away from the island, I pointed my craft out towards the open ocean. The swells began to get bigger, the wind stronger and the air clearer. I felt as if I was leaving the real world for a new one, a world filled with the brightest of blue oceans and the greenest of green trees. Steady as the sun above me, I paddled and paddled, each stroke beringinging my mind closer to the peaceful aura that enveloped me. God I love this month, it is and always will be the most beautiful time of the year!
Outstanding! You have a tremendous style and an eye to match. I always look forward to your posts.