To stand at the edge of the Penobscot Bay in the middle of March, while the cold water rushes over my muck boots, is to stand at the edge of a moving canvass filled with brush strokes of wind, water and light. The boundless blue ocean reaches forever in my vision, as a cool wind touches my face. The brief but brilliant rays of an early spring sun warm my soul and lift my heart. I sit and watch the waves crash into the rocky shore, as the seagulls float by, their wings rendered useless by the abundant sea breeze. The smell of the pine trees wafts by, and the crush of shells is felt beneath my feet. I feel detached from the world, alone in a momentary lapse of worry, a true time of wonder in all that lies in front of me. I came to yesterday afternoon, awoken from the long spell of winter. My senses returned to me as I walked the coast of Penobscot Bay, practically dancing from the thoughts of Spring that washed over me like a raging waterfall. My feet trudged through the mud of Owls Head beach and on to a pile of rocks that protruded out of the bay. I carefully climbed the weathered stones, and sat on the edge of their formation, my feet dangling in the air. I looked upwards at the sky, and at the puffy white clouds that raced across it. It was so beautiful. So filled with promise. So blue! I looked to my left and gazed out at the rows of pine trees that straddled the shore. Birds swooped up and down, left and right, singing out their respective songs. The profound silence of the winter was no more. It was hard to even begin to describe the joy I felt at that moment. When nature awakes from its deep sleep, and the days become longer with light, my mind begins to race with the sweet possibilities of the warmer months. The possibilities are endless, just like the ocean that laps at my feet. Oh, what joy this time of year brings!

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