Monday, September 5, 2011

Sleepy Sunday

The air was heavy yesterday on Deer Isle, where a stormy morning gave way to a sleepy late afternoon. Puffy clouds raced across the sky, and the land smelled of fall and it's fast approaching delights. Leaves were scattered all around me, the grass swayed back and forth in the sea breeze, and the hordes of weathered lobster boats sat quietly in Stonington harbor. It felt like fall, and it felt good! The summer tourists still remained, but the numbers were rapidly dropping like flies. I found myself walking slowly down Main Street, my faithful Nikon at the ready, just watching the harbor, and the people strolling by. My thoughts turned to the beautiful but bittersweet season of Fall, which sat tantalizingly close on every Mainers door step. It is amazing how you can sense the subtle change in weather, when the month of September comes along. The air really does smell different, it even tastes different. The haze and humidity of July are gone, replaced by the cool nights and brisk mornings of September. There is a certain laziness in the air, a kid of indifference that makes me sleepy, almost as if I am living in a dream. The majestic spruce firs of this spectacular little island stand tall against the rocky shores of it's craggy coastline. Winding streams empty into small inlets, where wooden sailboats rest at their respective moorings. Giant apple trees tower over old white farmhouses, where neighboring barns look as if they should have fallen down 50 years ago. Being on Deer Isle, at this time of year, with the sleepy air surrounding me, had me feeling more relaxed than I can remember. I walked down a back road in Oceanville, where a giant old quarry sat, touched only by the harsh hands of time. Across the quarry, Webb Cove sparkled in the afternoon sun, while the unmistakable spine like shape of Isle a Haut rose high in the distance. I sat down on a big slab of rock, my feet dangling below. I lay my head down and stretched my body out on the warm surface of the rock. The wind swept across my face every few minutes, reminding me that I was still awake, for I felt like drifting off at any moment. Come to Deer Isle soon, your soul with thank you!

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